Wednesday, May 28, 2008


On behalf of the Louisiana Division of the Arts, the Arts Council of New Orleans administers the Decentralized Arts Funding Program that provides much needed support for arts organizations in Orleans, Jefferson and Plaquemines Parishes. Additionally, as one of nine regional agencies in the state, the Arts Council receives an operating grant of approximately $100,000 each year from the LDOA. The Arts Council is a member of the Louisiana Partnership for the Arts Advocacy. Please consider writing your legislator now in support of the budget request detailed below:

For Culture, Recreation and Tourism:

$125,000 increase in the Decentralized Arts Funding Program which places dollars for arts and cultural activities in EVERY parish in the state. This program is a national model for cultural investment and the return to the state is $14 per every dollar granted. This $125,000 will generate $1,175,000 MINIMUM back to the parishes! That is a significant, guaranteed return on your investment!

$297,284 increase in the statewide arts grants through the Louisiana Division of the Arts which supports the major arts and cultural institutions throughout the state. These organizations are responsible for bringing a variety of cultural resources to every parish in the state. These grants build the capacity of these organizations and stabilize their operations so that they may continue growing the cultural economy of their regions. This is cultural economic development at its best!

$60,835 to restore the cut to the Arts Education funding through the Louisiana Division of the Arts. Support for these projects increases the participation and preparation for arts education programming in EVERY school in Louisiana as mandated by Act 175 passed last year. These programs go into EVERY district of the state and prepare our students and teachers for a new day in raising the bar for education in Louisiana.

$57,350 to restore the proposed new and expanded work in Arts Education, through the Division of the Arts, to support the implementation of Act 175 which, over the next four years, puts a visual arts and performing arts teacher in every school in Louisiana. Similar efforts in Arkansas have moved that state into the very top of educational systems in the country. Students exposed to arts in the classroom, and teachers who use the arts to teach core subjects, are an important part of growing our state's competitiveness in the new "knowledge-based" economy of the 21st century. This is a very small investment for such a significant opportunity!

$250,000 for the development of job training program in the cultural economy through the Office of Cultural Development. The job market in the cultural economy is growing with almost $1 billion generated through the film industry alone. The recording industry is also showing significant growth. We also have a great need in preservation craftsmen and in the culinary field. Governor Jindal has recognized the need for workforce development as a means to continued economic development. The cultural economy in the state is poised to play a significant role in that development provided the state is ready to make the necessary investment. Training Louisiana citizens to work in these cultural industries is a win-win all around!

TOTAL CRT REQUEST--------$790,469

For Department of Education:

$500,000 dedicated for the second year implementation of Act 175 as it affects the role of the Department of Education in placing visual and performing arts teachers in EVERY school in Louisiana. These funds are for teacher training and curriculum development leading to the full implementation.

TOTAL DOE REQUEST--------$500,000

TOTAL THE LPAA IS SEEKING------------$1,290,469

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